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4th of July

Wanted to stop in and wish everyone a wonderful 4th of July! It is amazing that we are already more than halfway through 2023! All-in-all it has been a wonderful year so far with many new experiences and lessons being learned within our team. The "new site" after the name change is working better than I had anticipated, more and more info is being added each week, and the number of hits has increased much more than expected. Seems the names do matter. :D

To our British friends across the big pond... Ninner Ninner Ninner 😚. No, really God bless you all, if it were not for England we would not be what we, as a country, are today. For all my American brothers and sister enjoy your cookouts, limit the beer and please by god don't blow off any body parts.

As for our family, living in Florida we will not be attempting to navigate to the beach. It is too damned hot and much too many tourists headed that way to make it enjoyable for us. We shall be preparing for the battle in the sky that happens this time every year (fireworks). It is very stressful for me and my wife (and Dougal) trying to get me calmed down.
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