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This entry is in the series Title 1 Let's get Dougal to work... Again!
Came into work this morning going through my routine, getting set for my Wednesday work day. Working IT the start of my day is going through my Emails and work tickets so I can form some sort of a plan (that typically explodes within the first hour or ticket). Today seems to be no different, but some important emails were spotted about this redoing of my title 1 access. Both from the facility boss.

Tuesday evening I sent an email probe for the reasonable accommodation paperwork I (re)sent last Tuesday. The first one from the facility boss simply stated that she had no skin in this process, which I understood. I sent the request and CCed everyone within my chain of command along with the Facility Director, more as a CYA thing more than anything else. I did notice some extra names that were added to the CC areas. Being that I work for a state department it is easy to look up who people are. One of those individuals was marked as a chief legal counsel.

The second email was a request to meet with the facility director for a zoom/teams meeting with this legal counsel in reference to the reasonable accommodations. Good news / Bad news? Who knows, but not only is the time frame better than what it was the first time. But the thing I am worried about is how to document this conversation. I am a document whore, I like to keep everything, but with a video conference how do I document it? I will request all of this within an email, but have found with the last experience with this, getting an email is far different from asking for one.

One way or another I will have some type of news for this series come Friday afternoon. :unsure:
Next entry in the series 'Title 1 Let's get Dougal to work... Again!': Failure!
Previous entry in the series 'Title 1 Let's get Dougal to work... Again!': Back to Day One


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Ocala,Fa 34488

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