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General Oh, The Phone Rang!

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This entry is in the series The Road to Get Dougal to Work (Title 1)
Well after me being so upset with the email I received telling me "Don't have a relapse" and me in turn shooting a few emails to my boss and local HR (and having a chat with HR about the email) my work phone suddenly rang at about 4:30 from the accommodations folks, same person that wrote the last email.

I wish I could definitely say it was due to them reading my emails or her department got wind of my email to my bosses, but possible good news now. Several emails ago I put in a suggestion that we try a "trial" basis for either 2 weeks or a month as this would give all these people a better understanding of having a service dog on site and the non-issue it should be. With that, I listed how the trial could be terminated on the spot. It was simply the normal tenents that all service dog teams have to follow. I also included some site specifics where we, as a team, could go and where we were not allowed. SOme of the things I have alluded to in the past blogs.

They really seemed to like them and asked for a couple of days to pass it through some higher-ups. So good news, possibly, but at least some news that holds some promise.
Next entry in the series 'The Road to Get Dougal to Work (Title 1)': The Roller-coaster has Come to its End!
Previous entry in the series 'The Road to Get Dougal to Work (Title 1)': Query Letter Sent!


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