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This entry is in the series The Road to Get Dougal to Work (Title 1)
This morning I sat down with one of my other bosses who had questions about Dougal the Wonder Dog. It seems he, now, is also in the email chain. The more the merrier, but he asked me to send more information as he did not understand service dogs as reasonable accommodations. Email sent! Later he advised that I may want to make sure I put it in plain text where the dog was able to go with me, as there are some secure areas that could be easily considered an "Undue Hardship" and safety issue for the dog. The second email was sent out. Oh, I typically keep email threads going, just adding to the ones previously sent that are about the same subject. Harder to misplace that way. :D As of this time still no word from "headquarters" in writing about the reasonable accommodations request.

After lunch, I spy an email from the "ADA" department:

Don't have a relapse.

Mr. Jones requested to have his service dog with him. I advised that we were not approving his request, but never got around to sending the letter. He's sent this response. Is this something we can go with or are we a no-how no way. He's an IT guy so we'll need his management and the XXXXX'X okay

"Don't have a relapse"? I was beyond pissed! This is an ADA (HR) person saying this? Someone who should realize how ablest, derogatory, and discriminatory this sounds, especially since we are talking about the ADA?!? I am so at a loss, needless to say, I popped off a quick email to my chain and my HR about this. My last real "relapse" ended me up in a 72-hour hold with stitches and gauze.

The rest of the letter isn't much better and she admits to never sending me any official notice and appears to still be moving.
Next entry in the series 'The Road to Get Dougal to Work (Title 1)': Query Letter Sent!
Previous entry in the series 'The Road to Get Dougal to Work (Title 1)': Title 1 Path Answers (maybe)


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