Service Dog Advocate

Welcome to, your comprehensive resource dedicated to understanding, advocating for, and navigating life with service dogs.

Join Us and make the community stronger.

Updating The Home Page

Playing with the graphics and layout of the index page (home page).
~node icons colored
~text display changes for nodes
~added some shadowing to make parts more readable
~added widget for Articles at top of Nodes
~removed widget(s) from sidebar
~started working on a better light theme.

Added advertisement addon. Possible future feature
Looking at deferring some of the costs of running the site. Running costs are about 300-400 dollars per year, would love to see some of that not come from my pocket.
Not sure how this will roll out.
  1. Do a per-click or percentage-of-purchase type deal
  2. Sell advertisement spots to people like dog trainers, service dog organizations, and people like that. Around 50 bucks per year, something easy.
You will see me playing with it for a while.