Service Dog Advocate

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  1. Taking a Service Animal to Work

    Taking a Service Animal to Work

    Can I take my service animal to work? Or, is my employee allowed to bring a service animal to work? Maybe. Title I of the ADA covers employment. Under Title I, service animals are considered a reasonable accommodation. An employee must request that the service animal be present as an...
  2. How can I tell if an animal is really a service animal and not just a pet?

    How can I tell if an animal is really a service animal and not just a pet?

    To determine if an animal is a service animal, you may ask two questions: Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? You may not ask these questions if the need for the service animal is obvious. Examples include when...
  3. The Negative Side of Having a Service Dog

    The Negative Side of Having a Service Dog

    As service dogs become more popular every year, I am noticing so many people rushing to the different SD forums and chat groups wanting to know how to go about getting their own service dog. I do think most are well-intentioned but have not done a lot of research about everything it takes to own...
  4. ESA’s:  How to get one and what they are used for.

    ESA’s: How to get one and what they are used for.

    I have noticed these questions popping up more and more within my social media feeds. Let us dive into the subject. ESA is the common acronym for Emotional Support Animal. In very simple terms ESAs' are pets that have the legal OK to live with their owners despite no pet policies or any other...
  5. Do I Need a Service Dog	 (Part 3)

    Do I Need a Service Dog (Part 3)

    Made it this far? I really hope so. Having a service dog can really be a life-changing thing, in a great way. The process can be very long, and I want to make sure that you, the reader, have the best chance of experiencing it. So far, we have talked about making the decision that you really need...
  6. Do I Need a Service Dog	 (Part 2)

    Do I Need a Service Dog (Part 2)

    In the previous article, I attempted to give a good base for people who are interested in getting a service dog. Here I will attempt to point out some of the things that I really found important to make sure my family was behind the decision. Communications: One of the biggest problems I see...
  7. Abhean

    Outside Article Service Dog Column: Learn from your dog’s actions?

    by Carlene White If your dog is given a clear option of sleeping on the floor or on the sofa, there's no doubt as to where he would be — on the sofa. Except on a hot day in July, when he is more inclined to sleep on the floor. That's not a random decision. The floor will be cooler, so he will...
  8. Abhean

    Outside Article Service Dogs can be a life changer

    Diagnosed with the most severe form of spina bifida at birth, Maureen McGowan is paralyzed from the waist down, making it hard for her to maneuver, especially with an additional diagnosis of scoliosis in her teens. "The older I get the harder it is for me to do the daily things," said McGowan...
  9. Abhean

    Outside Article Veteran’s Unlikely Path Leads to a Lifetime of Service

    'Remi gets me out of my shell to where I'm able to help people' September 27, 2022 Maddie Fletcher is in her second year as Commander of VFW Post 5444 in Dover Plains, New York. It is just the latest way she is #StillServing after taking an unexpected career path. From a young age, Fletcher...