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Service Dog Uber launches new feature for riders with service animals

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Uber launches new feature for riders with service animals

by: Erin Arthur

ROANOKE, Va. (WFXR) — Uber has launched a new feature for riders with service animals across the U.S.

The new feature gives people with service animals the option to self-identify in the app to notify drivers at a pickup that they have a service animal.

The app has spent two years designing and building the feature with advocates and service animal owners. The self-ID will provide clear communication and confidence for riders and drivers in their Uber journey.

Follow the steps to enable the new feature:

New Uber safety feature rolling out in Roanoke area
  1. Tap Account > Settings
  2. Tap Accessibility and select Service animal
  3. Tap Complete eligibility form
  4. Complete the eligibility form
  5. Select I will ride with my service animal
  6. Choose whether you want drivers to be notified of this information
If the driver receives a notification that the passenger will be traveling with a service animal and cancels the trip, they are reminded it is against the law to refuse transport to someone with a service animal. Then, they can choose to cancel the trip.

With the service, if someone experiences a ride cancelation, the driver will receive an in-app message asking why the trip was canceled.


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