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Harness Reluctance?

  • Author Author MrsTom
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For some reason Maisie didn't want to put her harness on today. She brought it to me, and her leash, but tried to avoid letting me put it on her until I had to speak more sternly. She's working 5 years this is the first time. She's quite stoic so if she isn't feeling well she hides it. Can't find injury/tick/whatever... Anyway, just mentioning it, if she isn't good with it tomorrow I'll have to do more figuring out I guess! Maybe she is just having an off day, as we all do...or wanted to sleep in...


Might have just been a bad day for her, and she didn't "feel" like working that day. :D
I think you're right, she did throw up the next day too but has been fine ever since and working well with her usual enthusiasm :). Probably just a case of the collywobbles! Thanks @Abhean

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