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Survey: Service Animal Users' Experiences In Healthcare Facilities

Please circulate the following message as widely as appropriate. All questions should be directed to Advocates for Service Animal Partners at 386-ASAP411 (386-272-7411.

Survey: Service Animal Users' Experiences in Healthcare Facilities

The National Council on Disability (NCD), an independent federal agency charged with advising the President, Congress, and federal agencies about policies that affect people with disabilities, has recently requested that Advocates for Service Animal Partners (ASAP) provide information on the experiences of people with disabilities with service animals in healthcare settings. In order to assist NCD's request for information, Advocates for Service Animal Partners is conducting this survey.

This survey should be completed by an individual with a disability who has or has had a service animal trained to do work or perform tasks for their benefit. Only take this survey if this applies to you and your experiences are in the United States. Please click on the following link to access the survey.

If you need assistance completing the survey, you may call advocates for service Animal Partners at 386-ASAP411 (386-272-7411 between 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eastern Monday through Friday.

About ASAP
Advocates for Service Animal Partners (ASAP) is the only organization in the United States dedicated exclusively to supporting, protecting, and advancing the civil rights of disabled individuals who use service animals to mitigate their disability and live full, productive, and independent lives. ASAP is a nationwide network of volunteer service animal advocates. Our goal is to encourage, educate, and support service animal handlers through printed and electronic publications, Informational webinars, recorded educational materials, and direct advocacy support, intervention, and mediation. In support of this mission, we also work to educate employers, governmental entities, private companies, housing accommodations, and the airline industry about the rights, responsibilities, and limitations of access under state and federal law.

The ASAP Service animal Information and Resource Hotline (ASAP211) allows service animal handlers and businesses alike the opportunity to speak with an advocate who is trained to answer questions about service animals and resolve access concerns as they occur. ASAP211 is available 24/7 by calling toll-free 855-ASAP211 (855-2727211)

For more information about Advocates for Service Animal Partners, please visit our website at

Marion Gwizdala, President
Advocates for Service Animal Partners Inc.
386-ASAP411 (386-272-s7411)


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