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Video Public Video Recording

A while back I was in some heated debates with other teams about the validity of recording while out in public. I stand firmly on the "expectation of privacy" policy while others wanted to point out that they lived in a "2-party consent" state.

My main argument for the 2-party people was simply if they were to go on a vacation and were taking pictures of their family were they running around getting consent for everyone that happened through their pictures or video? I mean if that is what they believe is the law shouldn't they be following it? Or drive down most interstates and you will notice cameras every mile or two on light poles. Has anyone asked for your permission to video you or your car driving down the road?

Well, I found a video on TikTok this morning during my morning outing with Dougal, from a lawyer, that I think explains it a little bit better than I can.



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