~Updated a few of the applications on the site. Most of which were for our article system. I doubt most will see any real difference as the changes simply made management a little easier.
~Minor changes to user permissions for the article management system.
~Minor changes to overall user permissions
~Went over the Tags within our links to make it easier to search for groups by states
~Minor changes to user permissions for the article management system.
~Minor changes to overall user permissions
~Went over the Tags within our links to make it easier to search for groups by states
- Users should now be able to search by state by typing the state in the search bar to see a list of associated tags.
- Users can also focus the search better if they focus the search to the links themselves.
- While in the links area you will see a field that is marked "everywhere" Click on that and select "items". This will focus the search on the Link Directory.