Service Dog Advocate

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  1. Prospect vs. SDIT vs. SD: Which one is my dog?

    Prospect vs. SDIT vs. SD: Which one is my dog?

    by Veronica Morris, PhD with Bradley W. Morris, MA, CPhil When you're training a service dog, there are three terms used to describe the status of your dog that are sometimes not well understood. They are prospect, service dog in training (SDIT), and service dog (SD). What you should call...
  2. Psychiatric Hospitalizations and Service Dogs

    Psychiatric Hospitalizations and Service Dogs

    Inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations can be frightening and stressful. For Service Dog teams, inpatient admissions are often more of a struggle. The complications of having dogs on a locked unit focused solely on safety and security are innumerable. However, they're far from insurmountable...
  3. Some States and Service Dogs in Training

    Some States and Service Dogs in Training

    Some US states have some peculiar laws when talking about service dogs in training (SDiT) in public access situations. Service Dogs in Training are not covered by federal law or guidelines here in the United States. Most states have taken that slack up and written their own laws for those dogs...
  4. SDiT?


    SDiT, or Service Dog in Training, is a common term used within the service dog community to help describe their dog as ready to start public access, but not a "fully trained" service dog. Trainers. Owner trainers, and Handlers like being able to use this term in public with their dog(s)...
  5. Abhean

    SDiT Manners/Evaluation 2019

    From PSYCHIATRIC SERVICE DOG PARTNERS This evaluation is intended as a tool to help mark progress along a service dog training journey. This journey has many gray areas in the transition from pet-friendly environments to no-pet places. Accordingly, this guide alone should not be misinterpreted...