Service Dog Advocate

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  1. Abhean

    Outside Article Dogs Inc. training the next generation of service dogs

    Abhean has published a news story: Dogs Inc. training the next generation of service dogs - If you see a group of puppies and handlers dressed in purple in a public place in Tampa, chances are they are part of a Dogs Inc. program. Read the full story here...
  2. Puppies 3.5 weeks

    General Puppies 3.5 weeks

    So, a friend of mine decided to breed his Griffon once before having her "fixed". The first try worked and now he has 11 new Griffons. It has been so much fun to watch, the wife and I go over several times a week to see if there is anything our friend needs and more importantly to play with the...
  3. Puppies!

    General Puppies!

    A friend of mine, Buck, is the owner of Rosie, a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. Rosie and Dougal have pretty much grown up together, best friends. Buck decided to breed Rosie a single time with another registered Griffon and have a single litter before having her fixed. Well, she delivered 11...