Service Dog Advocate

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  1. Abhean

    SDA Link Directory

    While setting up this site and my participation in so many service dog groups around the net, one of the biggest questions was: Where can I find trainers? Are there videos to help owner-trainers? So how about creating an area that will help people looking? It might even be a good free...
  2. Abhean

    SDA Link Directory

    While setting up this site and my participation in so many service dog groups around the net, one of the biggest questions was: Where can I find trainers? Are there videos to help owner-trainers? So how about creating an area that will help people looking? It might even be a good free...
  3. Abhean

    SDA Link Directory

    While setting up this site and my participation in so many service dog groups around the net, one of the biggest questions was: Where can I find trainers? Are there videos to help owner-trainers? So how about creating an area that will help people looking? It might even be a good free...
  4. Easiest Service Dog Training Tool! Train Alerts, Lights, Closing Doors + Help w/ Mobility & Timing

    Easiest Service Dog Training Tool! Train Alerts, Lights, Closing Doors + Help w/ Mobility & Timing

    Do you want to help make training tasks to your service dog easier? Do you sometimes struggle with the dexterity necessary to treat your dog efficiently? In this video I'll show you this inexpensive food robot that you can use to train tasks that require nose pushes from your dog, like service...
  5. Rescue Dogs as Service Dogs?

    Rescue Dogs as Service Dogs?

    Are you considering adopting a rescue dog as your future service dog prospect? Today, we're diving deep on the topic of acquiring a rescue dog as a service dog prospect! Join me as I unpack the complex and often polarizing topic of rescuing service dog candidates. We’ll tackle: Can I rescue a...
  6. Guide to Staying at Hotels and AirBnBs

    Guide to Staying at Hotels and AirBnBs

  7. Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Dog Trainer

    Remote Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Dog Trainer

    The dog training industry is completely unregulated. Anyone can say they are a dog trainer ... and that's scary! In today's video I'm going to talk about the qualifications you should look for to ensure that you and your dog are getting the training experience you deserve! From training methods...
  8. Abhean

    Outside Article It's Discrimination': Driving Company Allegedly Trying To Deny Medical Service Dog From Riding With Owner

    Ryan Walters said he's been taking his 2-year-old PTSD service dog to work with him since they were paired in December A Hamilton man says he's facing "Americans with Disabilities Act discrimination by his employer after they denied him his PTSD service dog. By: Valerie Lyons Posted at 6:41...


    Admin Note: This article was written by Power House on his service dog group. Remember there is not a single way to train a dog as there are many different methods used for dog training. I try to go over different ways of training within this group but it's up to you to decide which one works...
  10. Service Dog Training: Behavior Interruption & Alert

    Service Dog Training: Behavior Interruption & Alert

  11. Can I Have TWO Service Dogs? (& Why?)

    Can I Have TWO Service Dogs? (& Why?)

  12. The TRUTH about FAKE SERVICE DOGS (and what to do about it)

    The TRUTH about FAKE SERVICE DOGS (and what to do about it)

    In this video I discuss "fake" service dogs and how we can combat this problem. I offer ways to approach the issue, and why I think there are more "fake" service dogs than ever. I also discuss how you can help be part of the solution.
  13. Get your DOG to PAY ATTENTION

    Get your DOG to PAY ATTENTION

  14. Service Dog Etiquette for Handlers

    Service Dog Etiquette for Handlers

  15. Abhean

    Resource C. L. V. DEL AMO HOSPITAL 2023-06-19

    (1) whether Aspen was a service dog, and (2) whether allowing Aspen to participate in C.L.'s hospitalization would "fundamentally alter" the psychiatric services that were being offered to C.L. during those hospitalizations under 42 U.S.C. § 12182(b)(2)(A).
  16. The Art of Rewarding: Handy Tools for Dog Training Sessions

    The Art of Rewarding: Handy Tools for Dog Training Sessions

    Rewards are a fundamental part of dog training - they help reinforce positive behaviors and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. But how do you manage these rewards efficiently during training sessions? In this video, we delve into practical solutions - training vests, reward...