Service Dog Advocate

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  1. Service Dogs, the FHA, and Doctors Notes

    Service Dogs, the FHA, and Doctors Notes

    I was sort of surprised when a firestorm erupted at one of the service dog pages I help with, and all over the need for a doctor's note. A few lone voices yelling about the ADA guidelines of not having to have any documentation for the service dog against a multitude of followers pointing out...
  2. Service Dogs and Doctors Letters (US)

    Service Dogs and Doctors Letters (US)

    One of the most asked questions I see when asking about what is needed for Service Dogs as far as paperwork is concerned. The answer is mixed depending on what the person is referring to. There are also what I refer to as best practices. American Disability Act (ADA) The ADA gives us the basic...
  3. ADA Network Revelations

    ADA Network Revelations

    I decided to put in a call to the ADA Network the other day for some questions I have about some of my assumptions about service dog law. This was kicked off due to so many arguments about 2 different subjects. I guess I do need to point out that the ADA Network is not part of the Department of...
  4. The Infamous “Doctors Letter” and Service Dogs

    The Infamous “Doctors Letter” and Service Dogs

    I really cannot believe how often I hear service dog handlers say that they do not need a letter from their medical provider. Most of the time this is based on the handler's frame of mind when saying so. So, I am going to try to put this subject in perspective as the answer can be seen from...