Service Dog Advocate

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  1. Abhean

    Keep Going K9

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link Keep Going K9. Please add to the discussion here.
  2. Abhean

    Outside Article Waldorf Veteran Pushes For Improved VA Support For Service Dogs

    Abhean has published a news story: Waldorf Veteran Pushes For Improved VA Support For Service Dogs. Brennon Groves, a medically retired U.S. Air Force veteran, is leading a nationwide effort to reform the Veterans Administration’s (VA) process for assisting veterans with service dogs Read the...
  3. Abhean

    Vets To Vets United, Inc.

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link Vets To Vets United, Inc.. Please add to the discussion here.
  4. Abhean

    South Dakota Service Dogs

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link South Dakota Service Dogs. Please add to the discussion here.
  5. Abhean

    Outside Article It’s important to know the difference between a service dog and an emotional support animal

    Abhean has published a news story: It’s important to know the difference between a service dog and an emotional support animal - There is a difference between a service dog and an emotional support animal, which means they should be treated differently. It's important to know how to spot Read...
  6. Abhean

    VIP Service Dog Foundation

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link VIP Service Dog Foundation. Please add to the discussion here.
  7. Abhean

    VIP Service Dog Foundation

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link VIP Service Dog Foundation. Please add to the discussion here.
  8. Abhean

    Pass-though Test

    Testing the pass-through from the forum to BlueSky.
  9. Connecticut Service Dog Law

    Connecticut Service Dog Law

    Title 13b. Transportation. Chapter 244C. Transportation Network Company Vehicles § 13b-119. Transportation network company driver requirements. Adoption of policies re drugs and alcohol and illness and fatigue. Operation as transportation network company driver without authority; penalty...
  10. Arkansas Service Dog in Training

    Arkansas Service Dog in Training

    § 20-14-308. Guide dog, signal dog and/or service dog access (a) An individual with visual, hearing, or other physical disabilities and his or her guide, signal, or service dog or a dog trainer in the act of training a guide, signal, or service dog shall not be denied admittance to or refused...
  11. Arkansas Service Dog laws

    Arkansas Service Dog laws

    Title 20. Public Health and Welfare. Subtitle 2. Health and Safety (Chapters 6 to 44). Chapter 14. Disabled Persons. Subchapter 3. Rights Generally § 20-14-301 . Public policy § 20-14-302 . Unlawful activities; penalties § 20-14-303 . Rights and privileges § 20-14-304 . Right to be...
  12. Arizona Service Dog in Training Law

    Arizona Service Dog in Training Law

    A. Any person or entity that operates a public place shall not discriminate against individuals with disabilities who use service animals if the work or tasks performed by the service animal are directly related to the individual's disability. Work or tasks include assisting individuals who are...
  13. Arizona Service Dog Law  11-1024

    Arizona Service Dog Law 11-1024

    11-1024. Service animals; rights of individuals with disabilities; violation; classification; fraudulent misrepresentation; civil penalty; definitions A. Any person or entity that operates a public place shall not discriminate against individuals with disabilities who use service animals if the...
  14. Service Dog in Training

    Service Dog in Training

    (m) An animal in training to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability shall enjoy the same protections as a fully trained service animal when accompanied by either an individual with a disability or a trainer and is actively training. The requirements applicable to service...
  15. Alaska Admin. Code § 30.610

    Alaska Admin. Code § 30.610

    (a) A public accommodation shall modify policies, practices, or procedures to permit the use of a service or alert animal by an individual with a disability. (b) An individual with a disability shall be permitted to be accompanied by a service or alert animal in all areas of a place of public...
  16. Service Dog in Training

    Service Dog in Training

    (b)(1) A service animal in training that is a dog shall wear a harness, collar, leash, cape, or backpack that identifies in writing that the dog is a service animal in training. (2) Other service animals in training shall be identifiable by written identification as a service animal in...
  17. Service Animals in Alabama Housing

    Service Animals in Alabama Housing

    It's against the law in Alabama to discriminate against anyone with a physical disability in leased or purchased housing accommodations. You must be allowed full and equal access to all housing facilities. But Alabama's law on service animals in housing applies only to guide dogs that assist...
  18. Alabama Rules for Having Your Service Animal in Public

    Alabama Rules for Having Your Service Animal in Public

    Under the ADA, a public accommodation can't ask you questions about your disability or demand to see certification or other proof of your animal's training or status. If what your service animal does isn't apparent, the establishment can ask you only two questions: Is the animal a service...
  19. Which Public Accommodations Must Allow Service Animals in Alabama

    Which Public Accommodations Must Allow Service Animals in Alabama

    Both Alabama law and the ADA require all public accommodations to allow you to have your service animal with you. But each law defines public accommodation somewhat differently. Under the ADA, the definition of public accommodations is very broad. It includes: hotels and other lodging...
  20. Emotional Support Animals Under Alabama Law

    Emotional Support Animals Under Alabama Law

    Neither the ADA nor Alabama's service animal law covers emotional support animals (ESAs). Emotional support animals provide a sense of safety, companionship, or comfort to those with emotional or psychiatric disabilities or conditions. Unlike psychiatric service dogs, ESAs aren't individually...