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Review Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

I have always enjoyed fantasy and science fiction movies no matter how bad they were.

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D&D Review
  • Lighthearted
  • True to Game
  • Awsome script
  • none
I started playing Dungeons & Dragons in the last portion of the 70's and in the late 80's while in the military, I really got into it. I have always enjoyed fantasy and science fiction movies no matter how bad they were. It was always escapism at its best.

My wife noticed that Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves was streaming on Paramount+ it gave us the perfect movie to sit down and watch. Either it was going to fit into our "bad movie night" where we could make fun of everything or we would find ourselves captivated. Normally there is very little in-between for us.

Most every time I have sat down to play D&D there is always goofiness or the players attempting to do things that are at the least questionable. This has always been the "fun part" of playing. The bad movie quotes run rampant and always get a laugh. I do not think I have ever made it through a session without hearing "tis but a flesh wound" during some combat session. It is things like that which really make up a D&D session for me. It is all about hanging out with friends and having a good time in a world that has been created by the game master, or dungeon master.

So, how did this movie rank? Let's just say I really hope they make another with the same writers and director. My opinion it was a smash pure and simple. The writer knew the material and presented in a way, not only for older D&D players would approve of, but they also presented it a way that could be enjoyed by the non-D&D watchers. There were several times throughout the movie where I would see a monster I had only read about in one of the monster compendiums and I would say something like "oh wow, an OwlBear" only for one of the characters to mention the name and my wife rolling her eyes with a big sigh. This is the same lady that typically refuses to watch Star Wars with me due to my in-movie commentary.

Not only did they nail the "forgotten realms" they kept the movie light-hearted by offering up things that made it feel as though human players behind the scene were adding their oneliners to the scene. There was at least one Monty Pythons snip provided and many other things like that throughout the whole movie.

This is one of the first movies that I have watched this year that was simply fun to watch.
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