Service Dog Advocate

Welcome to, your comprehensive resource dedicated to understanding, advocating for, and navigating life with service dogs.

Join Us and make the community stronger.


Service Dog Advocate General Rules
  1. Be nice
    As most of us are disabled we have enough going against us, please don't add to someone else's problems.
  2. Breed Shaming
    Everyone has their own ideas on dog breeds. We only worry about if a dog can do what it has been trained to do. We do not care if a dog is a mutt or a pure breed.
  3. Bullying
    Bullying will not be tolerated between the members of this forum. Definition: The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group.
  4. Crude Language
    Please be considerate in language you use on the forum, some of our members are younger than others. Swearing is not completely banned, just do not swear unnecessarily, and only use minor words. A filter is in place to safeguard this system.
  5. Equipment Hate
    There are a multitude of different equipment used for training. Every type can have its uses. Different dogs & Trainers use what they have found useful. Be tolerant of that fact.
  6. Legal Advice
    SDA provides many resources however, we are not lawyers here. Any advice should be based on experience and in no way constitutes true legal advice. Please seek out your own counsel if you need legal advice.
  7. Official Language
    The forum language is English only!
  8. Political Posts
    Unless the post or article is specifically about assistant animals we do not wish to see political posts.
  9. Spam Posts
    Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed.
SDA Images
  1. Photo Common Since
    Please do not post inappropriate material, I think everyone understands what I mean by this. The policy goes that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don't post it !
  2. Photo Watermarking
    All images uploaded to the gallery here at SDA are watermarked. Hotlinking from the gallery is permitted with that watermark visible. Uploading items to our gallery gives SDA the right to use them.