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SD Adventures The Graduation

Sorry still trying to catch up with everything after the vacation. Was so happy to be able to make it to our son's graduation. Heading up north to South Carolina we decided to make the graduation a week-long vacation. The event was held at the coliseum at Clemson University. Being a summer graduation we didn't expect many people, but the arena was still about half full with all of the happy family and friends.

Thankfully the ceremony was not overdrawn. The kids did not appear restless halfway through as they waited for the speaker to finish up. The wife and I had fun seeing how many of the soon-to-be graduates were actually wearing what they should be under their gowns. Our son was, of course, one of those. :ROFLMAO:

As we entered the arena we were stopped by security and asked if Dougal was a service dog, I said he was and was allowed entry. Sweet! When we got to the seating area I was a little worried. The seats were right on top of the cement, there was no "under the seat" area like I am used to and there were only about 8 inches between the seat and back of the chair in front of us, not nearly enough room to put Dougal between my legs. Thankfully we were early so I sat Dougal next to me on the cement which put him a face level for me. Not a great position for Mr. Lick-A-Lot if someone else happens to sit next to him.

As always, seems I overthought it. He sat most of the ceremony like the picture above, he did lay down a few times but seen quite interested in the happenings in front of him.

There were a few watchers there that did seem more interested in Dougal than the graduation. Most were very positive but we did hear some distractors complain about letting a <explative> dog come into the ceremony, but as I said most comments we heard were very positive. Even during the noise of applause, Dougal did well, I could tell he was trying to figure it out but stayed right where he was supposed to and kept quiet.

After graduation, we did have some trouble getting up the stairs to the exit. In hindsight, we should have stayed till most of the others had got to the exit. With the stairs being small Dougal wanted to bound up them which did cause some pulling, thankfully our family was in front so was not too bad. Once back on level ground he settled back into his normal forward heal and made me a hole to walk through.

Once outside we took pictures and then headed to the best BBQ joint in South Carolina "The Smoking Pig"!



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